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Davis Schools Foundation fundraiser

​Working at The Davis Enterprise led to volunteering at The Davis Chamber of Commerce, led to meeting Christina Yeung at the Installation Galla and picking up some design work for The Davis Schools Foundation’s Celebrity Waiter Dinner event. I love this community!

From The Davis Enterprise newspaper By Letters to the Editor From page A8 | April 06, 2016

$45,000 raised for Davis schools

On Feb. 27, the Davis Schools Foundation held its 10th Anniversary Gala at the UC Davis Conference Center. The event was an engaging and light-hearted “Celebrity Waiter” party, with each of the tables creatively hosted by a local luminary.

The Gala supported the Davis public schools, and helps DSF to celebrate a renewed commitment to advocate for students and the programs that are so critical to their success.

We would like to acknowledge everyone who came together at the event, starting with the “celebrity” waiters — Tom Adams, Barbara Archer, Christina Blackman, Bob Bockwinkel, Bob Bowen, Bonnie Chiu, Anthony Costello, Jim Davis, Cathy Farman, Alan Fernandes, Katie Flaherty, Lucas Frerichs, Jim Knight, Brett Lee, Susan Lovenburg, Pam Pacelli, Gavin Payne, Heidi Perry, Sam Schoen, Madhavi Sunder, Matthew Wehner and Carri Ziegler, as well as more than 150 guests who helped to net more that $45,000 for Davis public schools.

A special thank-you to our amazing title sponsors, Paul Brady and Katie Flaherty; our supporting sponsors, Carbahal and Company, Davis Waste Removal, First Northern Bank, The New Home Company, Nugget Markets and Sudwerk Brewing Co.; and the Realtors of the Davis Lyon Real Estate office for their generous support.

Thank you so much to our dessert auction donors — Davis Creamery, Konditorei, Lester Farms Bakery, Nugget Market, Safeway and Jan Uriu-Adams.

Individuals and businesses who donated and supported the event were A Grand Affair, Awards and More of Davis, BlackPine Catering, Bogle Vineyards, Copyland, Happy Daze RV’s, Ink Monkey, Music on the Move DJs and MCs, Plata Wine Partners, Darin Plutchok and Jennifer Lagura, Smartz Graphic Artz and Davis Firefighters Local 3494.

The volunteers who helped pull everything all together were Davis Key Club, Volunteer Davis, Wendy Benner, Andi Carr, Dawn Coder, Amanda Harlan, Kate Legrand, Leeann Lipson, Jenna Makus, Aaron Wedra, Raul Zamora and Emily Ziser. Huge thanks to Alex Rossbach for his audiovisual skills and to Paul DelBene, who served as our fabulous emcee.

Lastly, thanks to the DSF board members — Alan Anderson, Martha Beetley, Stephany Cavatoni, Joe DiNunzio, Sean Langley, Dave Miller, Josh Newman and Matthew Wehner — for their incredible assistance to make this event a success.

Thank you for coming together to support our children!

Lori Duisenberg and Christina Yeung Event co-chairs

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